Resources for Family Law Attorneys

Warning Signs of Fraud in Divorce

Divorce cases involving closely held businesses can present unique challenges.  Determining business value and income available for support are often the primary considerations which need to be addressed.  However, in some cases, it may be prudent to consider if a spouse is using the closely held business to either hide marital assets or fraudulently deflate the business value.

This Wisconsin Journal of Family Law article by Martin Mathias identifies 6 warning signs that should be considered when financial fraud is a concern in a divorce case.

Divorce Valuation – Levels of Service

It is challenging when a divorce includes a privately owned business as one of the marital assets. Even the most experienced family law attorney can be unsure where to start with the complexities of business ownership and the related financial reporting.

These Divorce Levels of Service provide sufficient information and insight to allow you to provide good counsel to your client and help determine whether to settle or continue.

To Appraise or Not to Appraise, That is the Question…

This Wisconsin Journal of Family Law Article by Cathy J. Durham shares 3 tools you can use when your divorce client owns a business.

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