TIME to Drive Business Value

Last month we talked about finding opportunity in times of crisis, such as COVID-19. Before this pandemic struck, most business owners would admit it was difficult to find time to work on strategic planning for their business, including thinking about their business as an investment. When it comes to thinking about how to grow their businessRead More…

“I Wish I Had Known About this Earlier.”

We were recently working with a successful Wisconsin business owner who has been working on his succession plan. During our initial meeting he was surprised to learn that every business has more than one value depending upon who the buyer is.  He lamented he had no knowledge or experience in thinking through the different typesRead More…

8 Ways to Build Value In a Family Business

Capital Valuation Group Madison

Dear Cathy, What would you say are the key ways to build value in a family owned business? I find myself so busy every day and yet my company’s revenue growth has been stagnant despite my industry’s moderate growth trends.  We are in the packaging industry and the company has been in my family forRead More…

How Are Businesses Valued?

Capital Valuation Group Madison What is my business worth

Dear Cathy, I am the owner of a car dealership with 2 locations, and I find it stressful that I can’t answer the simple question “what is my business worth?” I need to know this as I plan for location expansion and insurance purposes.  Frankly, I have hesitated to reach out to someone because unlikeRead More…

Why Business Valuation Shortcuts Don’t Work

The Story Behind the Numbers . . . Dear Cathy, I have 100% ownership of a third-generation plastics manufacturing facility.  My 58th birthday is coming up and that has me really thinking about what comes next for the business after I retire…or I should say so that I can retire in the foreseeable future. IRead More…


Cap Valuation Group Madison Transferability

Dear Cathy, I’ve owned a plumbing business for 20 years. As I work with my financial planner on retirement planning, I need to gain a better understanding about the value of my business.  A little background: I am a licensed plumber and do not have any employees, but my wife takes care of the businessRead More…

Why Business Valuations Are Needed

Capital Valuation Group Madison Bridging The Gap

Dear Cathy, I am a 56-year-old owner of a 2nd generation manufacturing business.  I have read about people getting business valuations and I’m interested to understand why I should look at doing this? Sincerely, Jim Jim, Thank you for your question!  Some people are forced to have their business valued due to the death ofRead More…