Upcoming Events

Understanding Business Valuation


March 6th, 2025 // 9:00AM CST


Presented by CapVal’s Martin Mathias, CPA, CFE

Please join CapVal’s Marty Mathias, CPA, CFE, on March 6 from 9-10 a.m. CST to learn the critical components of how a business is valued.

For over 50 years we have been teaching business owners and their advisors why multiples of earnings alone do NOT provide a meaningful conclusion of value. Want to understand how privately owned businesses really should be valued? Join us for a one-hour course on the nuts and bolts of understanding business valuation including how to test for whether a business is saleable, why every business has more than one value, how goodwill is valued, and what really matters when valuing a privately owned company.

Who should attend? All business owners, attorneys, and other advisors are welcome!

Advanced Topics in Business Valuation


March 13, 2025 // 12:00PM CST


Presented by CapVal’s Jane Tereba, ASA, CPA, CEPA

Business valuation provides important information for owners of privately held businesses and their advisors. Insights from the valuation process help guide annual planning, inform succession planning, and can be incorporated into a Company’s corporate documents (i.e. buy-sell, shareholder or operating agreements) – among other uses.

Whether you are a business owner, attorney, or other business advisor, this webinar will help you understand some of the more advanced considerations in business valuation, including:

  • How valuation differs for a controlling equity interest vs. a non-controlling equity interest
  • Factors considered in determining a discount for lack of marketability to be incorporated when determining the fair market value of a noncontrolling equity interest
  • Value considerations if the ownership structure is owned equally by two individuals (i.e. 50/50)
  • How the valuation of non-voting shares compares to the valuation of voting shares.

Contact Us to discuss your client’s needs today